Hi everybody, this is Doctor Perry with the fearless chiropractor podcast. And today I am so grateful and so, so happy to share with you one of the most amazing chiropractors in the world.
not only one of the most amazing chiropractors in the world, but one of the most amazing human beings in the world as well. And my respect for this guy is about as high as I could have respect
for anybody. So with so much heart and gratitude, I want to welcome
Doctor Kyle Bryant to the podcast. And
I'm going to let you kind
tell them how we met.
I will do that, doctor B. That's quite the intro. I don't know if I can keep up with
all those nice descriptions, but thank you.
yeah, I have a very cool story with Doctor B. I
started going to
my parents chiropractor when I was young, when my mom was in a bad car accident and I was just a impressionable 14 year old following along. And here I saw this really cool, charismatic doctor talking about this spine connected to organs and blah, blah, blah. I had no idea what he was talking about, but he was really cool and I wanted to be like him.
anyways, fast forward.
over the course of multiple visits, I got to know this doctor a little better. And
he's educating my mom, he's educating me. I think you can see I have a little glimmer in my eye. I'm interested in what he's talking about. And
there you go. We established the relationship and
this person happened to be Doctor Perry. Barnhill just thought he was the coolest guy in the world. And over the course of the next few years,
he was really good to me as far as staying connected, encouraging me, and I'll never forget,
he made sure he finished every conversation with saying, hey, you need to be a chiropractor, you need to be a chiropractor.
So I had this ingrained,
from doctor Barnhill in my head for a very long time. And
to fast forward to where we are now to do it on a podcast with him is coolest thing I think I've experienced up to this point. So thanks for having me on.
Oh, my pleasure, my pleasure.
it's so neat. And we as chiropractors and everyone practicing out there,
you have patience and you see potential, and you're just
oh, man, I just want to help mold this kid to become a chiropractor,
Because most of us believe that being a chiropractor is one of the most amazing things that we can do, and I'm certainly grateful. So that's our intro, and then as we fast forward, Doctor Kyle goes to undergrad and he goes to chiropracticology. Ends up he's actually, I always like to give him a hard time.
a super tv star, movie star. Because he was on your own. House hunters, right?
Yeah. Way,
back when.
Yeah. It's because he went and practiced in
he goes there, and then,
he ends up coming back to the United States. He practices,
probably, what, two and a half hours from where I was.
you know, eventually, I think he
wanted to come back home. Is that sort of an accurate way to.
Yeah, more or less.
I figured we'd
get established there,
start our family, and then eventually we knew we'd come back home.
as I was
right in the middle of really developing fearless chiropractor and thinking about making a transition to not serving patients anymore, but serving chiropractors. And what I do now with fearless chiropractor,
Kyle came in and eventually took over the practice and everything. And he has, and this is where I want more of the folks to be, is that I have,
people talk about having a waiting list practice.
I've heard it a few times, but they really don't. Most chiropractors don't. He does. I promise you he does. Because,
when I go to different classes or I see different people in the community,
three weeks to get in to see him. I'm like, dude, you seriously have to reproduce yourself because there's so many people that want to see you. We need more of you. And so I want to have him shed some light on how he practices, because how he practices is.
It really is unique, and it's how he attracts. Well, first of all, I don't care how anybody practices. If they don't have a heart, if they don't have integrity, if they don't have honor, and if they're not a good person,
it's hard to have a good practice. I think you have to have that congruency within your personal life to get it over into your professional life. But the way he does things is just so incredible. And he really does have a waiting list practices. He's mostly cast what we all dream of being.
So, doctor Kyle, let me ask you this thing. What is it that you would say is, aside from your personality and just having an amazing heart as a doctor, what would you say is your uniqueness or if you were a patient? If I was a patient of yours, just say, what is it that makes you different?
Do you say it? Do you show it, or do you do both?
I think for me,
for me, I guess rewinding back to when I initially met you in the back of my head I'd always pictured hey if I become a chiropractor I'm going to be doing it like doctor Barnhild that he had the practice like this, structured like this. He's going to see patients like this have a family and a lifestyle like this.
I think that's really cool. Well I finally got to the point that I had kind of
we'd established the practice and here I was living the look at
doctor Barnhill two
.0 kind of thing and
just found myself in a position where I could go in a couple different directions with the practice. So I'd never really thought beyond that point and I just
had to adapt.
But one of the things that I think gave me a little bit of a unique perspective with chiropractic is I've had a pretty heavy athletic background and I've seen lots of
And experience lots of injuries to any body part you could picture. Knees, ankles, fingers,
and that just always fascinated me, along with everything I knew about the spine and,
what we learned in chiropractic school and all those kinds of things. So
I really resonated with the idea of this whole body care incorporating extremities,
looking at the bigger functional picture of how our bodies move, what they're designed to do.
really enjoyed
the performance angle. So as far as my perspective,
into the chiropractic side of things, that's
where I started to,
evolve a little bit. And then I think,
one of the things that makes us unique in my practice is
that we,
have a dedicated focus on establishing relationships with patients. And I think that's something that patients in today's world, whether they're in a medical clinic, chiropractic clinic,
were lacking because everything is so,
run of the mill cookie.
I was having this conversation with a patient the other day.
I think we're so protocol heavy now in the medical world that there's a
lack of genuine relationship with the patients that were interacting. And if you really just sit back and listen to these people,
I think you pick up on the fact that they're really just wanting somebody to listen to them and
apply their knowledge in a way that meets where they're at.
that's one of my,
underlying focuses. I think
that helps me be unique and
helps our practice be where it is now.
the uniqueness is just. It's incredible. I just love the protocol that
had, you
Cause when you came in and we were working together for a little while, you were teaching me this cool extremity adjusting and how to assess.
this stuff is like, awesome, right? You do this, it's
oh, my goodness, you can immediately tell a difference. And I
know, we notice differences when we get our spine adjusted, everything like that. But I think,
unfortunately, a lot of times in neck pain and back pain falls on deaf ears in the public. And,
you come in, obviously, you always adjust the full spine.
in most cases,
unless there's some contraindications, but you incorporate the extremity component in it, which I believe, in my eyes, brings that uniqueness,
aside from your personality and everything brings that uniqueness to what you do because it is a little bit different than what a lot of chiropractors doing. And I don't mean that,
a lot of chiropractors adjust extremities. I did. But
there was really nothing special about it in these tests that you do before and do after. And I remember Doctor Gibson always used to talk about this thing he called the wow factor. And so when you're adjusting me, even to this day,
this thing,
you get adjusted. Or rather you do this pretest and then do. Is that how you describe it
or analysis? I'm not sure. And,
holy cows, what a difference. So even me being a chiropractor for. 25 years now, still am wowed after I get adjusted,
before and after I get adjusted by you. So it's
if I'm amazed, and obviously other people are amazed. And I'm not saying that just because, obviously, there's no doubt my,
friendship and love for Kyle is. Is there? That's obvious. But when I say he has a waiting list practice, he has a practice that takes,
new patients and. And
Even existing patients way too long to get in to see you. And I don't say that in a,
in a negative way. That's a very positive thing to say. That's why I say, man, you literally need to make more of you and duplicate more of you.
but, yeah, it's just. It's just. That's what I love about it. And I know,
if I'm wowed as someone who lives in the industry,
for so many years, then I know the patients are as well because I talk to them. They're like, oh, my goodness, this is the most amazing thing in the world. And the struggles that I see with a lot of the doctors in my group. Everyone talks about new patients.
They talk about retention of patients once they get there. And yet, what I've observed from you over the last many years is you actually don't have that problem. And I'm not just saying that to blow smoke. You don't. You don't have that problem when it takes three. And it's not that you never work.
it's not
you have this schedule where you're
oh, yeah, I'm there. Two days a week you're there, and you're putting your time in,
yet they're still waiting to come in to see you. And your patients are almost always referral.
Right? They are. Yeah. We've kind of gotten to a point with the practice where it's
a smooth operating machine in that regard, which is nice, because,
we don't have to consider marketing. We don't have to consider hiring other people to bring in new patients. And I think one thing,
and this is just a perspective from when I've talked to other chiropractors. One thing that's nice is we don't,
we're not. We're not just bringing in new patients constantly and then established,
patients are leaving constantly where we're having to fill those holes. We really have a truly genuine wellness practice with my. My original intention is when these patients walk through the door and they've committed to
seeing us and establishing a treatment plan they never want to leave. So in the back of my mind, that's the perspective I'm treating everybody with.
And the system that I think we'll probably talk about in a little bit that I use that's fairly unique.
it's a very good accountability tool to not just the doctor but also the patient. It helps the patient see how they're doing on a weekly, monthly basis.
but it also makes it so the doctor never gets completely comfortable doing the same adjustments on the same person over and over again. Every visit is unique and every outcome is unique. And so you really can establish this,
wellness approach but with a paradigm that supports some very.
Objective things between both the doctor and
the patient. But I think just
you were talking about. Earlier for me, winding back to Ireland,
I remember my first year in practice was very tough. It beat me down, really killed off my confidence. And I remember when I was adjusting people, I'd be like,
oh, I'm fine, I'm palpating. I'm finding a restricted segment of subluxation. Okay, I adjusted you there. Now what,
what do I say to the patient? Oh, is it better? Is it worse? I had no objective way of saying
well, does. Was this the right segment that we,
can you walk better? Are you taller?
are you more in alignment like those, those things? Yes. Maybe,
patients can give you some immediate feedback, but
to have something that,
gives immediate feedback to both the clinician and the patient at the same time.
was something that I was kind of looking for and kind of developed down the road, I guess.
I know the results that you have with your patients are amazing. And I know I keep going back to
how these people were just waiting to come in and see. And here's the cool thing. It's not like you're the chiropractor that they're waiting to see because they get it for $10 a visit or $70 a visit, which even that actually doesn't even exist.
the people that have such a low value on their services, they're not even really busy anyway, so that doesn't make any sense. But that's not you. It's
what I'm saying. It's not like you have this low dollar amount to come see you, and people are
oh, yeah, it's cheap and it's really, really good. No, you charge. You charge for your services as you should. And I would say that you charge above the average.
I live in this world, I know what people are charging.
yet they still come. And most of your practice is not insurance, and yet they still come again back to
the heart, but more the uniqueness of what you do to showing these people.
like you said, you adjust them.
how do you analyze this? How do you make sure that. Is there something else? Because I know when you have adjusted me,
sometimes I think I'm done, but I can tell it's not as strong as maybe it should be when you're testing some things and then you go into this whole other leg of stuff. I don't mean
anatomy leg, but this whole other angle, and you start doing all these other tests, and I'm
I don't even know. You knew those things because you're doing all these other things because you knew something wasn't right there.
So you do these Facebook posts with your videos, and I love them. Every time a chiropractor says, hey, man, I'm having a hard time getting new patients. Patients. I go check out
And so
I go check it out, look and see what doctor Kyle's doing. He's doing these videos not talking about neck pain and back pain.
I don't even know if you have. Maybe you've had a video or two on it, but it's about other things and it's so cool and it's so interesting, and people were intrigued. So I don't even know, how did you start thinking about,
I want to do this video? I know you've had some people who've really influenced you in your life.
tell me about Facebook and what. Cause you don't go, here's what I do, and here's this big special, like this carrot and stick come in because you've seen this. It's not even like that.
Sure. Yeah, I love it. No,
I think it was.
trust me, there was a grind way back when, as far as just trying to get people through the door.
I just had more free time,
when we started the practice, and that's when,
Facebook Washington. This is back in 2017. So Facebook is,
well established, and you're getting lots of good traction with organic views, not where you're having to pay to boost and those types of things. So I was like, hey, what the heck? I'll just try doing these tip for Tuesdays. That was the original series that we started. So I
came up with ideas,
of things that people would encounter in their everyday life. Driving to work, sitting at home, watching tv,
stooping over a sink, brushing their teeth, all these little,
practical things that we all do, but putting a little bit of a twist on it from an educational standpoint. And so my angle was just teaching people and then,
having the punchline be, okay, how can that be related to the structure of your body? And this is how chiropractic can help.
so I was never like, hey, call us up and come on in. And,
those types of things. It was just more planting that seed for anybody watching it. And then it started to get traction over the course of time, and then it's
blossomed over the course of the years now since,
things on social media have evolved. We've had to evolve as well. But I've always kept education at
the heart of our posts.
and that's still the goal of
spreading the potential of what chiropractic can be to people out there, because so many people are unaware of all the potential benefits that we can have, not just in the form of,
fixing an underlying ailment or problem, but also keeping them off of drugs, preventing them from surgery. So,
it's kind of a win win situation. And all it takes is
planting those seeds out there of a little bit of education and getting people to appreciate the structure of their body in a way that no one else teaches them how to do.
Yeah, that's. I love that. And what's really cool, they're not even, they're not cheesy at all. They're just like.
it's not like
a lot of times we think, oh, before I post something, before I do something, it has to be perfect. You and I have talked about better done than perfect.
they're afraid.
patients don't know, they just see
this person on a video that's real. That maybe it's not 100% polished, but it's very, very real. It's organic, and they love it, and there's no bait and switch, and they know that and they see that. And the other cool thing is you've taken those videos that you've done on Facebook.
You put them up on the screens in your waiting room. They're the best educational resource in the world. So you've got these new patients coming in with their family members or mom dads or whatever they might be seeing you for,
let's say wrist pain or elbow pain or whatever it may be, and then they're cruising their mom's watching and go, holy smokes. You mean he can help with my. With bunions?
ankle pain and knee pain. And
that in itself has so much value, and that's
free. It's already done. It's not like you're paying for all this advertising.
okay, so I know that we've talked about in the past.
I've encouraged you
a long time ago.
And if you ever get the chance, you can always check out our,
Google reviews online. And it just
speaks to the uniqueness. Again, not to knock any local chiropractors, but just as far as how our clinic operates, some,
of those outcomes that you see people speak about and in the depth they go to, I think, is really cool and really unique. And a lot of that is alluded to the system that we've developed.
So how many? Let me. I gotta stop you here. How many four star reviews have you had? None.
that I know of.
What about three stars or two stars?
I'll knock on wood. Zero.
So, yeah,
basically, you've had all five stars, and that's really, really hard to get, no matter how good you are. Amazing. So, anyways, please continue.
What we've done, we've come up with a system that we call the functional extremity chiropractor. And built within that system is a functional extremity assessment. So this functional extremity assessment, as you,
discussed earlier, this pretest. So what I do on every patient, I have this,
full body approach. So it allows me to scan through the spine, all the major joints of the extremities, and roughly ten to 15 minutes with every patient, you do a pre check, you do an adjustment, and you do a post check. And so this functional extremity assessment allows you to look at each of these major regional joints,
wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, hips,
into a little bit of a collective manner. You can see how they're functioning just as the joint itself, how it functions as a greater extremity, and then how that plays into the quadrants of the body. Because obviously,
your lower extremities, say if you have one side that's all jumbled up, well, that's going to influence how you carry your pelvis and your pelvis, pelvis to the foundation of your spine. So that's going to affect things upwind. So,
again, this.
holistic perspective allows you to
address all these areas, but with a very,
outcome based, objective. Objective based,
purpose behind it. So it's not just
a patient might walk through the door and be like, hey, my wrist hurts, doc, can you adjust it? There's a systemic approach to saying, well, why does your wrist hurt? Let's do these series of tests. Let's figure out what's firing, what's nothing.
Let's adjust what's not working and restore that neurologic connection. A lot of what,
this system that I use is based on the idea of arthrokinetic inhibition. So it's basically
when a joint gets stoved up, the nerve that connects brain to joint,
stunts the muscular control around that area. So whether that is a stability function or a mobility function or all the above,
it gets stunted. So if you restore the motion to that joint, boom, you turn on that power to the brain, and then you get better control over the body parts. So, as you said earlier, that wow factor. A lot of patients like, hey, I couldn't move my arm, and it hurt.
And now you do this adjustment, and boom, it doesn't hurt, and it works better. So, again, reinforcing this idea of the power of chiropractic and what one single adjustment can do, rather than just looking at the patient and be like, hey, do you feel better or do you not feel better?
You have this very objective way that you. You can throw on top of the treatment,
in conjunction with everything else that you're doing. So hopefully that answers some of your questions.
It does.
It's great.
It's. I don't know, it's just not gimmicky whatsoever. You got, it's so cool. You have, like, the science behind it, the doctor part of it, but then you have where you. The business side of it, too, you know? And so. And you do. You walk the walk and you talk the talk.
You got a busy practice. You've had three doctors in the office at one time. You know, you've had associates, you've been there, you've done that. So you have this credibility and this knowledge to teach others on how to basically replicate yourself or replicate an office like yours, if this is what they so desire.
And, uh, I couldn't imagine why I wouldn't want to do something like that. Because you're happy, you're fulfilled, you're busy, you're helping a ton of people. In fact, you're helping people in a way that a lot of the other DC's maybe haven't been able to help people. Right? I mean, hey, listen, we'd rather someone see a chiropractor than no chiropractor, period.
The functional extremity assessment is, uh, what I kind of described earlier, but the functional extempore chiropractor, it's the whole system could be the way you run your practice, because being able to use this system allows you to have better ideas as far as treatment plans, gives you more confidence with your recommendations.
this is
really well rounded way of giving recommendations to a patient. They're on board, you're on board, and you're much happier as a result. And I can say, you know, we've had this practice open for seven years now. You know, I have a wife, I have three beautiful kids, and we try and have the best balance we can,
in our personal lives. So I try and model our clinic that allows me that free time to spend maximum time and effort and focus with those guys. I'm nothing. I'm not grinding a million hours. I'm not running in circles and just not seeing any fruition from it.
It does take a little bit of a grind early on, but I think when you do offer a unique service, and with this approach, you offer a collective, holistic, uh, uh, whole body experience for every patient, every time.
It's just a game changer.
we happen to see a lot of people that have seen chiropractors in town, and those patients didn't say their experience was bad. They just weren't getting results. And so when you take a little more in depth view with the system that we use, the functional extremity assessment, you just really get to the deeper root of problems.
Rather than saying, okay, is this a low back problem, or did this start. From the ankle sprain you had three months ago. Either way, you cover both bases so you're not left guessing and just saying, well, maybe it's this, maybe it's that. It's just a lot more of a confident approach in that regard.
Hey, man, what you have and what you do is, is amazing, and it's valuable. And you seriously need to share this with other chiropractors and help and encourage them
When I say I want a chiropractor to be more successful, what I'm trying to say is that I want them to be happy and I want them to have fulfilled lives. Because I know there's been times in all of our lives, I think, well, it depends on where you're at in practice, where you've had points where you're so broke, and then times where you've had extra money, uh, in the finances there, things are easier.
But that's not really. It doesn't fulfill you. You know, other things fulfill you. So when I say a successful chiropractor,
finances are part of it, but it's not all of it. I know you're fulfilled in all those aspects,
We'll kind of get into some contact information here a little bit. Can you tell me what your intentions are? You know, like, I want to teach chiropractors. I want to show them we're doing, you know, because we've talked about this. So you explain that.
Yeah. And, uh, you know, I kind of look at it with a perspective. I don't think I'm anyone special? I think I've. I've had some great mentors and chiropractors that I've been around over the course of time that have kind of put this stuff on my head or on my mind.
And then just over the years, it's kind of developed into a little bit of a pattern, and now it's become a system. And, you know, I've had multiple associates. I've had, um, and people that have. Now they're chiropractic students, um, and had plenty of people that have worked for me that have kind of been exposed to this system over the course of time and realize that it creates some really cool, uh, effects that are at least.
At least in our community, are kind of unique amongst the chiropractic world.
I love it.
I think your program is absolutely amazing.
I've seen your videos, I'm in your group.
I want doctors to reach out to you because I think they can learn so much from you in all aspects, from the running of the practice to taking care of the patients and having this very unique,
functional approach assessment to, and objectively, it's just great.
let everybody know how they can contact you, how they can get a hold of you.
right now we're still in the development of the finalization of the program, but in the meantime, we have created a Facebook group, the functional extremity chiropractor, which you guys, anyone listening is welcome to join.
We're going to,
because things aren't quite finalized, we're going to start off with
a finders,
membership fee.
this will be really low to start off. It'll be $50 a month.
and what we provide with you are regular videos that we use with live patients.
elbow pain, wrist pain, knee pain.
we walk you through how we would use our approach. We don't give you all the ins and the outs, but
enough to,
start a conversation. We're there for,
support. If you guys have any questions, any feedback you want to provide,
anything in regards to wanting to improve your adjustments with practice or your outcomes with patients.
and as we get our program fully,
developed and
up and running, we'll start providing more information as far as how you can sign up for,
the various modules on the program. And hopefully we get to the point we
are able to even certify people.
in the meantime,
everyone listening,
you are
welcome to contact me. My email address is doctor Kyle clinics.com and that's iceclinics with an s.
please shoot me out any feedback or any questions you may have.
I'll do my best to make sure you guys are taken care of.
And he means that. So everybody, I,
hope you enjoyed this. I certainly enjoyed this. And it was a blessing to be able to do this with someone as special,
as he is to me. So in the meantime, everybody have an awesome day, have an awesome night, whatever it may be for you. And we will talk to you later.